Media Ecology

Media Ecology


“Media Ecology” is a brand new word for me to know that I even could not know its exact meaning. But all I have known before was that media ecology can conclude most elements of internet that can absolutely affect people positively even negatively in perception, understanding, feeling, and value. Media also has a large scope of meaning, so It’s gonna be pretty interesting when this two words combine together.

What I look up to find the meaning of ecology in word “Media Ecology” mostly points out the study of environments: structure, content, and impact. An environment can structure what we behave usually, let me know our own identity, and what we should do or not. Like I mentioned in first paragraph, media ecology can positively and negatively influence our individual qualities because human perception, feeling, understanding, and value can’t be always accurate. We need to learn something from the…

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Media Ecology



‘Media ecology’ must be newly coined.  This is the first time I have been presented with such a description in with which we are working.  Of course this term applies to all areas of internet usage beyond the scope of this class in this day and age.  Many of us have been molding this term without even hardly giving it a thought if at all.

I was quite aware of what ‘media’ is as I have been drilling it even deeper into my brain over the last few weeks.  I have used this word any number of ways over the last decade to describe where I get my information and in which outlets I have participated; keep in mind if you have read my first blog post that it’s been awhile since I have actually participated in any social media, but I frequently use the internet.  So, ‘media’ is definitely…

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Building a Following

Alex Lien's Blog

To start becoming an online presence, one must identify what they want to do online. Whether its blogging, creating a charity group, posting YouTube videos or just having a Facebook account to connect with friends. After picking what you want to do or be online, one must find others that agree with you, need something from you or what to be apart of your cause. Again, from posting funny pictures to agreeing with political ideals to fighting for a cause, as long as some people agree with it or enjoy it, you can build a community around it.

The next step would be to connect with others to bring them to your page. Making regular posts, hosting events, advertising, having current follows share your posts are all ways to get your ideas to others and ones that agree or enjoy them will join. The non-profit organizations I am following have…

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Twitter and Blogging and Texts – Oh My!


Drunk Uncle SNL Drunk Uncle – SNL – Via Pinterest

If you’ve ever watched Drunk Uncle, as portrayed by Bobby Moynihan on Saturday Night Live (SNL),  reference technology in his bits, then you should be able to relate to the struggles I’ve gone through trying to acclimate both of my fathers to the ever-expanding array of ways to communicate electronically. I’m definitely not going to tell them to go read my blog for some guidance, because then, of course, I would have to explain what a blog is…and that’s not something I care to embark on with them today…or possibly ever for that matter.

Heck, trying to explain to my father what a QR Code was, and how his business could benefit from them, was painful enough! Five years later, I’m sure he’s still confused from that conversation. High five though, Dad…you’ve mastered the use of emoticons in SMS! (Much to my amusement 👍😆💪🏉) And kudos to my Papa…

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Following nonprofits during #givinghearts16; keeping track on spreadsheets.

Hmm, my videos are getting longer, not shorter.  Maybe I need to use SnapChat.

I just spent 25 minutes looking at old Tweets


Michelle Jacobson

When it comes to style of writing online, the short form is what I have more experience with. I’ve been texting since I got my first phone in high school and have been improving my style ever since then. I’ve improved my writing in the short form considerably since I first started; I used to use full sentences and spell everything out but I’ve done what’s recommended in 140 Characters and Less. I’ve learned to get to the point and use the proper symbols and words (or no words at all) to spell what I want to get across without overdoing it. Texting is really were my experience stops with the short form. I’ve used it a little bit on Facebook but I don’t use it enough to have an established style there. I have almost no experience with twitter. I’ve looked at it and read other people’s tweets but…

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Like Riding a Bike, Short Form


How do you learn to do something? The simple answer is that you learn to do something by practicing. Not unlike learning to ride a bike, learning how to use short form social media like Twitter and Facebook took some time. As Twitter has a max character count, it was definitely the hardest to acclimate to. While somebody might be familiar with texting, another short form, tweets are not often not directed at one singular person, and rather trying to explain a feeling or tell a story, which is difficult with 140 characters, when even spaces count as one character. Long form is much easier. It is more natural to us because we have been exposed to it longer. It flows. It can more conversational.

My first foray into the world of Twitter was stressful. I didn’t get it. Actually, I’m not even sure that I have a good understanding of…

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Screencasting is painful, but I hope it helps. #ec457

Week 3 video overview.