Three Nonprofit e-Newsletters to Subscribe To and Learn From

Heather Mansfield’s blog continues to generate outstanding content for our course, but also continues to provide exemplary “blog essay” posts: fabulous content, well-linked, great informative images, analytical. This is what we (including me!) aspire to, people.

Nonprofit Tech 2.0 Blog :: A Social Media Guide for Nonprofits

enewblogMy e-newsletter is by far the driving force behind Nonprofit Tech 2.0. Those 27,000+ subscribers produce more return on investment (ROI) in terms of bringing in new clients and webinar attendees than my 600,000+ Twitter followers and 40,000+ Facebook fans combined. And even though a recent report pointed out that email open and donor response are dropping in the nonprofit sector, I can’t help but wonder if current (yet old) e-newsletter design trends have a lot to do with the results. Most e-newsletters today seem to be stuck in the design best practices of 2006 and take little account for the rapid rise of social media and the fact that the number one activity on smartphones today is reading email. On average 43% of all emails are opened on mobile devices, thus nonprofits need to be sending out e-newsletters that make it easy to take action and…

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How to Create Enough Good Content Case Study | Nonprofit Marketing | Getting Attention

How to Create Enough Good Content Case Study | Nonprofit Marketing | Getting Attention.

Kate Bladow shared this resource on Alyda’s blog, but we’ve lost touch with each other a bit so I thought I should bring it to the front page of the course site.  A lot of organization’s might be looking for help with E-newsletters, but this article explains how to get a newsletter and blog working together (what we call the “media ecology.”