The 10 Best Productivity Apps of 2011 – The Next Web

The 10 Best Productivity Apps of 2011 – The Next Web.

An option, but not a requirement, for this course, will be to use your smartphone or tablet like you have never done before.  This list of 10 apps would be a good place to start: I’m certainly a huge Evernote fan and have started to use Drop Box. I have heard good things about IDoneThis and InstaPaper looks promising.

A goal for this course: to become a better electronic communicator (even if those communications are just with yourself).

Easily Publish Gorgeous Magazines |

Easily Publish Gorgeous Magazines |

A tool to consider come publication time.

City of Kik: The Transformation of YouTube

City of Kik: The Transformation of YouTube.

A blogger’s take on the transformation of YouTube’s design, responding to a story in the New York Times.  This change in / at YouTube will likely be a topic for discussion this semester.